Thursday, May 7, 2009

Fringe Buzz - Hot Ticket Items

My current list of shows I've heard the most positive buzz about:
4.48 Psychosis; Bare Breasted Women Sword Fighting*; Born of a Fairytale; Cabaret CooCoo*; Diamond Dead*; Dizzy Miss Lizzie; Irish Authors Held Hostage; The Lost Ones; Magnum Opus; My Fabulous Sex Life; Please Listen A Musical Chaos*; Riding the Bull; Sex Dreams and Self-Control; The Sin Show; A Tactile Dinner; Titus X*.

(This was the list as of July 21. I preserve it for reference's sake.)


  1. What does the * mean next to some of the shows?

  2. It means I know someone in the production. That way you can reach your own conclusions about any bias on my part.

  3. Headscarf and the Angry Bitch is getting rave reviews. It even had to extend to Source for 3 additional shows.
